Monday, June 13, 2022

Create A Brand Name For Your Business


Hello there!

Welcome to my gig!

An attention grabbing business name is one of the most important aspects of your marketing strategy. A creative and professional sounding name will create a great impression on your customers. My aim is to create names based on concept-driven identities that will appeal to your specific target market and represent your specific values.

In this gig, I will research your target market and brainstorm different name ideas you can use to present your business, service, idea or product. As someone who has studied linguistics, I will try to come up with names that are easy to pronounce, representative of your product, and catchy.

I can provide:

  • Memorable Business Names / Brand Names 
  • Social Media Handles
  • Trademark Checks
  • Domain Research
  • Catchy Business Taglines / Slogans
  • Enticing Book Titles 
  • Descriptive Product Names

Brainstorming names can be a frustrating and time-consuming process. Order my gig and let me help you come up with the perfect name!

Please reach out in case of any queries.



Not impressed with the thought process and overall delivery. It seemed like a very low-effort attempt at coming up with a brand name. I have other people working on this same exercise and these suggestions offered are by far the least creative and unrealistic. Some of the suggestions, if not all, are names that either already exist or won't work because of how similar they are to existing businesses. I doubt any actual research was conducted in the process, hence the subpar names.


I enjoyed working with Mahnuur. She is interactive, creative and punctual. Was quite happy with the ideas shared


fast service


She was great!


Excellent communication and great ideas delivered on time. I definitely recommend Mahnuur.

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